Abandoned and heartbroken, a loyal dog’s world shatters when his owner turns him away—what happens next will leave you speechless.

We love our pups with our whole heart and we can’t imagine our life without them.

One of our greatest fears is having our four-legged best friend missing. Dog owners who go through that nightmare relentlessly search for their pups and dream of being reunited with them.

Once they find their lovely furry companions, they feel relieved and immensely happy.

Sadly, not all dog owners feel that way about their dogs, and some of them don’t even look for their canines if they get lost.

Today’s story is about Pirate; a lost pooch who knows how it feels to be rejected by his family. Pirate’s owner didn’t search for him, and the frightened canine spent months roaming the streets in California and fighting to survive.

dog and owner petting itdog and owner petting it
Source: Hope For Paws

When Hope For Paws, an animal rescue located in Los Angeles, received a call about a stray dog living on the streets, the rescuers, Eldad and Loreta, went to pick him up and bring him to safety.

The family who called them said that the stray pup often came to their yard because he was interested in Blue, their female Pit Bull. She caught the dog’s attention and the two canines started spending a lot of time together.

Once Eldad and Loreta arrived at the family’s address, they saw the cute, stray pooch in the yard. His eye was injured and it was clear that he needed medical care. 

In order to catch him, Loreta invited Blue to help in the pup’s rescue. As soon as gorgeous Blue appeared in the yard, the stray, later named Pirate, followed her.

Eldad enclosed the area. The pooch was frightened and he tried to avoid being caught, but Loreta succeeded in securing him with a leash.

dog with eye problemdog with eye problem
Source: Loreta Frankonytė
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